Learn to hold the contradictory opinions in your mind!
This is known as "Dialectical Theory".
Let's say you believe in having government jobs which are safe and secured. You are living your life accordingly. Your environment around you has formed you in that way.
But the moment someone says about seed stage startup jobs with high risk, your mind goes into a revolt stage. You completely reject that idea.
But remember that," Security comes at a cost of growth".
You already have a thesis of how the job should be. Now you get an antithesis of a startup job. Rather than rejecting it, synthesise it and develop a higher order solution. Understand the pros and cons of it and see what can be best suited to you. Question the current belief and find flaws in it. Do the same with another idea.
Don’t reject other’s ideas or opinions nor take your own for granted. Hold both opinions simultaneously.
Since childhood, we have been fed with opinions, ideas and rituals firmly rooted in our minds. Many times we reject other’s ideas, theories or opinions. And believing in their ideas and rejecting ours is quite fearful for many. It questions the identity itself.
Having a strong opposite argument of your own opinion requires practice and dilution of ego at a certain level.
This helps to train your mind in decision making and taking higher risks.