Develop Financial Confidence and not financial freedom
Instead of financial freedom, focus develop financial confidence
Financial confidence will help you to develop a mindset that even in a worse scenario like COVID-19, you can earn money without losing your sanity.
Financial confidence is not about having a high paying job or getting hundred thousand dollars getting deposited in your bank account every month, it's about having a skill that can generate revenue for your business even in an economic crisis.
That doesn’t mean that financial freedom is not important.
Financial confidence is the first step to financial freedom.
But, how will you become financially confident?
3 steps to develop financial confidence:
• Environment
• Mindset
• Skill
Be with the people who are financially smart. Get surrounded by the people who are successful. I am not talking about your friends or family. They are important to you. But they won’t be able to help you to achieve financial confidence.
Learn from people who are in a position where you want to be. Remember that you need to be a hustler. In whatever industry you are in, stay connected with that industry experts.
Change your environment. This will be the first step to becoming financially confident.
I know two people who generated 2 million of revenue sitting at home with a new venture. That’s what mindset is. Change your mindset. Hustle every day to elevate the life that you always dream of.
Once you change your environment, the winning mindset will start developing slowly. But you also need to consciously work on it. See the gaps in the market, use that opportunity and make money. It’s that simple.
Suppose, you lose your job today, do you have some specific skill that can generate revenue for you till you get some other job?
Do you have a skill that can sustain your family in an emergency situation?
Develop a skill that can help you to generate revenue in any financial crisis. A skill that is not dependent on market conditions. Do a lot of research, make a list of skills. Do your swot analysis and start learning those skills.
Once you become financially confident, financial freedom is easy to achieve.